Sentences by Paragraphs
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Crimes, Perpetrators, and Material Damages by paragraphs
  • § 159 – Marenie úlohy verejného činiteľa z nedbanlivostiCC '61×
  • § 160 – Prijímanie úplatku a inej nenáležitej výhodyCC '61×
  • § 191 – Šírenie nákazlivej chorobyCC '61×
  • § 238 – Porušovanie domovej slobodyCC '61×
  • § 247 – KrádežCC '61×
  • § 250b – Subvenčný podvodCC '61×

Crimes 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Additionally Solved 1,393 1,061 1,082 944 930 845 962 853
Adolescent Offender - Alcohol Abuse 121 116 64 82 52 70 56 77
Discovered 57,075 58,114 56,498 51,212 51,024 53,786 56,092 71,112
Solved 18,815 19,603 18,285 15,857 15,691 16,318 14,533 13,228
Underage Offender - Drug Abuse 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0
Denominated Damage €58.7M €60.9M €71.1M €75M €76.2M €74.1M €79.7M €103.4M
Perpetrators 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
All Persons 17,753 18,127 16,527 15,814 16,257 17,088 15,985 15,355