Sentences by Paragraphs
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Crimes, Perpetrators, and Material Damages by paragraphs
  • § 159 – Marenie úlohy verejného činiteľa z nedbanlivostiCC '61×
  • § 160 – Prijímanie úplatku a inej nenáležitej výhodyCC '61×
  • § 191 – Šírenie nákazlivej chorobyCC '61×
  • § 238 – Porušovanie domovej slobodyCC '61×
  • § 250b – Subvenčný podvodCC '61×

Crimes 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Additionally Solved 24 26 14 24 18 25 49 66
Adolescent Offender - Alcohol Abuse 13 5 5 9 8 11 9 13
Discovered 1,517 1,599 1,569 1,726 1,821 1,788 1,884 2,298
Solved 1,412 1,467 1,458 1,614 1,679 1,538 1,412 1,544
Underage Offender - Drug Abuse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Denominated Damage €52.6K €56.8K €46.9K €306.2K €154.9K €1.7M €966.8K €2.5M
Perpetrators 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
All Persons 1,489 1,513 1,516 1,658 1,753 1,574 1,591 1,696