Okresná prokuratúra Skalica Ružová 2, 909 01 Skalica

District Attorney General is JUDr. Oľga Bakičová.

At the prosecutor's office we register 6 prosecutors, 3 leading employees, and 739 decrees.

We register 314.46 convited people per year on avarage. District yearly average is 623.86.

Average incoming cases for prosecutor is 253.15 yearly. District yearly average is 258.26.

Average amount of filed prosecutions is 43.32 yearly. District yearly average is 49.85.

Average amount of rest cases from previous period is 177.64 yearly, which is 28.64% of all cases in the registry. District yearly average is 622.95 (37.08%).

Aggregation is perfomed only on the data from the ‘V’ register


Phone Number:
El. Registry:


Okresná prokuratúra Skalica
Ružová 2
909 01 Skalica
Slovak Republic


Phone Number
Business Hours
Monday: 8:00 – 15:00
Tuesday: 8:00 – 15:00
Wednesday: 8:00 – 15:00
Thursday: 8:00 – 15:00
Friday: 8:00 – 15:00


List of prosecutors currently appointed at the Prosecutors' Office

Leading Employees

List of leading employees we currently register at the attorney general's office

Name Position
JUDr. Oľga Bakičová okresná prokurátorka
JUDr. Ing. Timotej Baďo, PhD. poverený výkonom funkcie námestníka okresnej prokurátorky
Ing. Bc. Renáta Štepanovská vedúca správy registratúry

List of Decrees (6)

Filtered by § 289 – Ohrozenie pod vplyvom návykovej iátky and § 321 – Útok na orgán verejnej moci ×

Prosecutor Number Effective On File Number Paragraph Resolution Means of Resolution

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